Geography in the BNCC: reflections on the contents of urban-industrial society and its energy sources
Education, Geography teaching, BNCC, ChallengesAbstract
In Brazil, the issue of education is almost always neglected and misrepresented in order to keep the interests of dominant political and economic groups intact. This can be seen in the 1988 Federal Constitution, which exemplifies the responsibility of the Brazilian state towards public education. However, in the years that followed, the thesis adopted was that the “Constitution didn't fit into the Budget,” based on the Fiscal Responsibility Law and the apparent primacy of other non-social issues. That said, in 2017, on flimsy and sometimes undemocratic allegations, the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) was approved. In view of this, this paper will analyze the challenge of applying the BNCC to Geography, looking at the content of urban-industrial society and energy sources taught in Year 9 at the Professor Nestor Carvalho Lima State School, located in the municipality of Itabaiana/SE. To this end, historical-dialectical materialism draws the path to be followed in the process of understanding social reality, reflecting the class experience lived during the supervised internship as a prerequisite for completing the Geography Course (DGEI/UFS). The teaching resources used during the meetings were: blackboard, paintbrush, textbook, images, newspaper articles, smartphones as well as the use of cartoons, maps, graphs, and notebooks. Teaching materials were made in the classroom, the textbook was used, and activities were developed that enabled the trainee and the students to make progress in their learning throughout the teaching process.
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