The contribution of the development of geographical thinking to the cognitive processes of students in basic education
Think geographically, Analysis categories, Cognitive processes, Geographic analysisAbstract
Didactic-pedagogical mediation in order to develop students’ geographic thinking is recommended by several authors as a goal for the Geography teaching and learning process in Basic Education. This is because its mobilization results in the cerebral operationalization of various cognitive processes (abstractions, generalizations, reasoning, etc.), structured in epistemic elements of geographic science (categories, concepts, logical principles, languages), which enable the geographic analysis of reality. Due to this social relevance, the objective of this work is to theoretically contribute to the development of geographic thinking for the cognitive processes of students in Basic Education. The research was carried out using the bibliographic procedure and analyzed from a qualitative perspective. The theoretical results showed that geographic thinking is an important intellectual activity because it provides powerful cognitive processes for the compression and transformative actions of students in sociospatial dynamics.
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