The construction of the Atlas municipality of Cambira / PR: for teaching and learning Geographic Place
A Municipal School Atlas is in a didactic material prepared under the design of an object of teaching that makes possible to reach a better understanding of critical and reflective about the local reality. However, projects like this to develop materials in local language and geographical division, are scarce on the national scene. Based on these assumptions, this paper seeks to expand knowledge about Atlas municipal and disseminate educational materials production techniques suitable for local, as well as presenting the way in which the Atlas was developed municipal Cambia. The project was developed from the Program University of SETI Sans Frontieres, based on other studies in Brazil, as in Limeira-SP, Rio Claro-SP, Itamandiba-MG, São Leopoldo - RS and Maringá - PR. For the development and construction of the Atlas, the database was drawn from development agencies of the state as: (IPARDES, IBGE, ITCG, IAPAR). The Cambira, awarded the project, located in north-central Paraná, Maringá metropolitan area within the inter-axis Jandaia South / Apucarana. Results are presented after the publication of this material and use thereof by students of municipal schools and the public. The content covered in the Atlas were divided into planks, each with issues related to Cambira with photos, graphs, drawings and maps. In addition to the Atlas, the project team has developed other activities such as workshops with teachers, interviews with residents, fieldwork and geographical reconnaissance, photographic, tender "Drawing Cambia", and disseminating the project through publications and awards.Downloads
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