The effects of the BNCC in Agrarian Geography’s themes in high school textbooks
BNCC, High School, Agrarian GeographyAbstract
Through time, Brazilian high school has undergone changes resulting from educational reforms, these changes were also reflected in textbooks, as they needed to adapt to the new standards established in school curricula. The last reform witnessed in Brazil occurred with the implementation of the Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC) of 2017, which considerably changed the dynamics of approaches to social themes in books in the area of Applied Human and Social Sciences. One of these changes is present in the Geography curricular component, specifically in the subarea of Agricultural Geography. Thus, in this research there is a brief discussion on the regulatory standards of Brazilian education and their changes in the theme of social movements and conflicts in the countryside, present in studies of Agrarian Geography in High School. The research analyzed Geography textbooks from Public High Schools in the State of Rio Grande do Norte from the 1990s, 2000s, 2010s and 2020s in order to compare the presence of that theme in Geography books over the years. It was possible to verify the impact of educational reforms on the teaching of Geography with the reduction of agrarian themes over the years, however we noticed a drastic scrapping of the agrarian theme in the book that follows the BNCC standards.
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