The Influence of Foz do Chapecó Hydroelectric Power Plant Operation on the Levels of the Uruguay River at Salto do Yucumã, Turvo State Park




Hydroelectric Power Plant, Environmental impact, River ecosystem


The installation and operation of a Hydroelectric Power Plant (HPP) can cause various environmental impacts, which can be aggravated according to environmental conditions. This study aims to identify and describe the river flow pattern resulting from the operation of the HPP Foz do Chapecó (SC) on the Uruguay River, in the section between the plant and the Yucumã Falls (located in the Turvo State Park-PET, RS). For this, pluviometric and fluviometric information was collected from the stations of Foz do Chapecó Downstream, Iraí, Itapiranga and from the experimental monitoring station installed at the Yucumã Falls, during the period from 02/18/2018 to 03/11/2018. The analysis of collected river flow and rainfall data allowed us to identify that the flood wave (maximum levels) takes, on average, 17:22 h to propagate between the HPP Downstream and the Yucumã Falls (PET), taking 2:28 h hours to Iraí (raises on average 268.4 cm), another 11:30 h to Itapiranga (raises on average 142.47 cm) and another 3:24 h to the Yucumã Falls (raises on average 245.52 cm). The speed of rising levels reaches 45.50 cm h-1 at the Yucumã Falls, which results from the channel geomorphology resembling the behavior observed in the HPP discharge zone. The characteristics of this flow make the region a place of high environmental fragility requiring monitoring of the hydrological process and identification of environmental impacts resulting from sub-hourly oscillations of Uruguay River water levels at Yucumã Falls.


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Author Biographies

Fernando Pasini, Universidad Tecnológica del Uruguay

Environmental and Sanitary Engineer (UFSM Frederico Westphalen, 2017), Degree in Geography (UNIPAMPA São Borja, 2022) and Master in Environmental Engineering (UFSM Santa Maria, 2019). He was a Technical Resident in Environmental Engineering and Management (RESTEC Notice/2019 - 2021) at the Instituto Água e Terra (PR) working in the Monitoring, Atmospheric Emissions and Air Quality Division. He is currently a Professor in the Area of ​​Environmental Monitoring/Integrated Management of Natural Resources at the Technological University of Uruguay (UTEC/Durazno) and is part of the technical team responsible for monitoring the water quality of the Rio Negro/UY.

Malva Andrea Mancuso, Federal University of Santa Maria

He has a Post-Doctorate from the National University of La Plata - UNLP (Argentina), (2018 to 2019). Post Doctorate from the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering - LNEC (Portugal) with funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology - FCT (Portugal), from 2008 to 2012. PhD in Geosciences (Mineral Resources and Hydrogeology) from the Institute of Geosciences at USP (Brazil ), in 2002.

Carlos Manuel Camarate de Campos Palma, Federal University of Santa Maria

Holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon-Portugal) (1982) with recognition from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2012), Specialist in Air Conditioning Engineering (Ordem dos Engenheiros Portugueses-2000), Fuel Gas Network Designer (General Directorate of Energy-Portugal-2000), Building Acoustics Designer (Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa-Portugal-2003), Designer of Building Water and Sewage Networks (Order of Portuguese Engineers-2005), Qualified Expert nº 522 of the Energy Certification System-Portugal (General Directorate of Energy and Geology-Portugal-2008), Senior Member of the Order of Portuguese Engineers (2008). Degree in Environmental and Sanitary Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Maria (2018). He has extensive experience in the area of ​​Mechanical and Sanitary Engineering, in the areas of thermal, acoustics, heat production, air conditioning, ventilation, security installations, gas networks, hydraulic networks, and sanitation in buildings. Has experience in Environmental Engineering. He is currently technically responsible for the companies - ALCA AMBIENTAL LTDA, REFREEMAQ, and ECOFLUI.


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How to Cite

Pasini, F., Mancuso, M. A., & Palma, C. M. C. de C. (2024). The Influence of Foz do Chapecó Hydroelectric Power Plant Operation on the Levels of the Uruguay River at Salto do Yucumã, Turvo State Park. Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 28, e85229.

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