Geomorphological Characterization of the State Park of Turvo and its influence on the phytosociological distribution of forest species




Geomorphology, Phytosociology, Turvo State Park


The State Park of Turvo - PET is located in the northwest of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, in the municipality of Derrubadas, and is a Conservation Unit of Integral Protection, having great importance for representing the last remnant of considerable size of the seasonal deciduous forest in the south of Brazil (SEMA, 2005). The objective of the work is the geomorphological characterization and temporal dynamics of meteorological data for the PET, which are combined to analyze the phytosociological distribution of the seasonal deciduous forest present in the PET. For this purpose, phytosociological field surveys were conducted using the SRTM digital terrain model to calculate the geomorphology and meteorological data of precipitation and temperature of the GIOVANNI platform. Meteorological variables such as precipitation and temperature are directly related to the distribution of biomes and forest typologies. The topographic modeling of the PET made it possible to analyze the characteristics
of the relief. The data obtained with topographic modeling allowed us to conclude, through the study carried out of the declivity and altimetry and the slope orientation variables, that the relief of the PET is mostly flat to wavy. Through the orientation of slopes, it was possible to verify that there is no large predominance of orientation directions. The smaller altimetric classes are the areas closest to the edge of the park area, where the Uruguay River passes. Analyzing the phytosociological data measured in the field and the topographic modeling, it is concluded that among the species present on the plots, the most characteristic is the jerivá. In most sampled plots, the plant has been shown to adapt well, regardless of altitude and slope.


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Author Biographies

Daniele Arndt Erthal, Federal University of Santa Maria

PhD student of the Postgraduate Program in Geography, at the Federal University of Santa Maria Campus, Master in Agronomy - Agriculture and Environment, at the Federal University of Santa Maria campus of Frederico Westphalen and Forestry Engineer graduated in 2014, also at the Federal University of Santa Maria, Frederico Westphalen Campus. He participated in the research project SPECTRAL AND ANGULAR STUDIES IN FOREST AND AGRICULTURAL ENVIRONMENTS at the Geoprocessing and Remote Sensing Laboratory, in which he received a scholarship, in addition to other research in the same area. She was a monitor for the Remote Sensing subject. He also participated in the research project Biomass quantification in subtropical forest ecosystems. He works as an Environmental Analyst at the company Saltus Consultoria Ambiental e Florestal, performing among his duties environmental and forestry licensing, validation of the CAR of the State of Pará.

Fábio Marcelo Breunig, Federal University of Paraná

Fábio Marcelo Breunig has a degree in Geography from the Federal University of Santa Maria, a Master's and PhD in Remote Sensing from the National Institute for Space Research. In 2015 and 2019 he completed his postdoctoral studies addressing remote sensing applications in the study of inland waters and precision agriculture, respectively. He currently coordinates two CNPQ research groups, and participates in research and extension projects related to Remote Sensing of the Environment (agriculture, forest, water), GIS, Error Analysis and Environmental Modeling.

Rafaelo Balbinot, Federal University of Santa Maria

Associate Professor of the Department. of Forestry Engineering at UFSM Campus by Frederico Westphalen, from the Postgraduate Program in Agronomy: Agriculture and Environment (PPGAAA-UFSM-FW), from the Postgraduate Program in Forestry Engineering (PPGEF-UFSM-Campus Headquarters) and Coordinator from the Forest Management and Policy Laboratory

William Gaida, Federal University of Santa Maria

PhD in Geography from the Federal University of Santa Maria, with a Bachelor's degree in Geography and a Master's degree in Geography from the same institution. Develops research in the area of ​​Physical Geography, with an emphasis on remote sensing, geoprocessing and geostatistics, applied to the study of forest and water resources.


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How to Cite

Erthal, D. A., Breunig, F. M., Balbinot, R., & Gaida, W. (2024). Geomorphological Characterization of the State Park of Turvo and its influence on the phytosociological distribution of forest species. Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 28, e84597.

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