The use of the guarani language in public entities of the Encarnación community, Itapúa


  • Fernando Scholz Universidad Autónoma de Encarnación, Itapúa, Encarnación
  • Lourdes Ayala Centro Regional de Educación de Encarnación, Itapúa, Encarnación



Language of use, Users, Public entities, Mother tongue


The research has proposed describing the use of the Guaraní language in relation to access to information in the public entities of the community of Encarnación, Itapuá, considering that the country has declared itself as bilingual Castilian - Guaraní, where most of the population uses both languages ​​to communicate daily. For its development, it used a descriptive research, in order to analyze the relationship between the language used and access to information in the public entities of the city of Encarnación by users of the Municipality of Encarnación, the Departmental Government of Itapúa and the Encarnación Regional Hospital, the main results show that the users' assessment of the use of the Guaraní language for care is not enough, especially in terms of the use of both languages, priority is given to the use of Spanish over the Guarani, in terms of signage is also poor, and the assessment of the importance of the use of both languages ​​for customer service is high, considering that both languages ​​are official and should be used according to the user's language of use. Public institutions.


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How to Cite

Scholz, F., & Ayala, L. (2022). The use of the guarani language in public entities of the Encarnación community, Itapúa. Geografia Ensino & Pesquisa, 26, e3.



Special Edition