The neighborhood associativism and its role in the production of urban space in the city of Serrinha (BA)
Production of urban space, space producing agents, urban associativismoAbstract
The purpose of this text is to understand the role that neighborhood associations play in the production of urban space, highlighting its forms of organization, its established links with the neighborhoods and its performance in the construction of community relations and in the effort to ensure the provision of urban infrastructure. We start from the assumption that the understanding of the process of space production in the urban peripheries cannot dispense with the analysis of the role of neighborhood associations, considered as agents that participate in the production of urban space. This text is the result of a research, supported fundamentally by documentary research and semi-structured interviews with the members of four neighborhood associations in the city of Serrinha (BA). In summary, we conclude that neighborhood associations are constituted by the articulation of residents whose actions/strategies are directed to coping with the immediate socio-spatial conditions of life, markedly in the search for solutions to the basic structural problems that afflict their living spaces.
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