Geotourism as a geoconservation strategy for Cachoeira da Pedra Negra, Sigefredo Pacheco, Piauí, Brazil
Geodiversity, Geomorphological Heritage, Geomorphosite, GeotourismAbstract
Besides subsidizing geoconservation activities such as geotourism, studies related to geodiversity can contribute to future land-use planning projects. This paper aims to present the potenciality of Cachoeira da Pedra Negra geomorphosite for the practice of geotourism. The methodology was based on a bibliographic survey, field inspection to identify and characterize the area by filling out an inventory form proposed by Oliveira (2015). The relevance of the subject and the lack of studies in Piauí state justify the research. The evaluation revealed the high power of use of this site for geotouristic purposes, once its characteristics can be well used for teaching geosciences, since they allow teaching geological and geomorphological phenomena to students of different educational levels, or even to the non-expert public. With geomorphological, stratigraphical, and sedimentological importance, one emphasizes the need for geotourist use and potential. The site must be kept preserved until a plan guarantees its sustainable use. It is important that the public power of the municipality engages the community, creating training programs for guides, and orientation about the abiotic nature.
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