Petroleum, companies and territory management: an analysis on the fuel market in Serrinha
Territory management, Petroleum, Fuels, Geographic networks, Economic geographyAbstract
This article aims to analyze the territorial management process carried out by companies of Fuel Resale Stations (FRSs) in Serrinha/BA. This is an excerpt from the research entitled ‘Strategies and spatial practices of distributors and gas stations as agents of territorial management on a local scale - The case in Serrinha/BA’, developed within the Geography Course of the Education Department of the State University of Bahia, Campus XI - Serrinha. The FRSs represent a portion of the set of activities related to the oil sector, are distributed throughout the national territory forming a dense network of motor vehicle fueling stations, interconnected with the regional distribution bases of the main companies, such as BR, Ipiranga, Raízen, Alesat, among others. The theoretical and methodological framework of this investigation is based on the perspective of the qualitative approach, without necessarily excluding the collection and analysis of quantitative data, using them in a complementary way; with the discussion of assumptions of Geographic Science as Territory Management, Geographic Networks and Productive Spatial Circuits and Cooperation Circles in a reading of a geographic-economic character applied in the performance of fuel reseller companies in the territorial management in Serrinha/BA. The procedures adopted were the production of mapping the spatial configuration of the FRSs in Serrinha/BA, for the exercise of image analysis and field research with a visit to the 26 FRSs in the municipality for applying a questionnaire and conducting interviews with managers, and the photographic record of the area of the posts and surroundings. Therefore, this work demonstrated the tangle of service stations and distributors that operate on this face of the oil sector in the city, presenting a potential for competitive disputes regarding price and quality of products and services, with a tendency for these relationships to expand when considering the socio-spatial transformations that a municipality tends to experience in the advance of historical-geographical time.
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