Study Of Landscape Dynamics In The Bocarra River Watershed, Bagé, RS
Watershed, LULC, Landscape PatternAbstract
The Pampa biome is experiencing an accelerated Land Use and Land Cover Change process in the last decades that influence both the landscape patterns and water resources. The aim of this study was to map the land use and land cover changes in the Bocarra River watershed and to evaluate their influence on landscape patterns from 1985 to 2017. Therefore, satellite images series (1985, 1996, 2003 and 2017), mathematical models and landscape metrics were used. The results indicate that there have been considerable changes in land use and land cover in the watershed over the past thirty-two years, which impacted landscape-related indices. The global rate of change obtained from the status and trend in land change index (Pt) was 0.74, indicating a one-way transition dominated by the conversion of grasslands to croplands over time, which was caused by the expansion of soy cultivation in the region. Landscape diversity increased from 0.86 in 1985 to 1.07 in 2017, while dominance decreased from 0.93 to 0.72, indicating that there was a reduction in differences between landscape patterns. Landscape fragmentation decreased from 1985 to 2017, while the average area of fragments increased.
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