Perspectives on the functionality of squares in the small town of Juranda-PR, Brazil
The city’s image is not only translated by wooded avenues, streets, buildings and historical monuments, but also by squares. Those are symbols of humanity’s history since the Greek Agora, passing through the Roman Forum to nowadays’ modern squares. Such spaces present different functions, projected by means of sociability and leisure practices experienced by diverse social groups. Besides that, they own different configuration and activities directed to different users from different age groups, so we have a gathering of children, teenagers, adults and old people. Regarding activities/functionalities, there are circulation, leisure, contemplation, resting, cultural, educational, psychological, aesthetic and environmental varying from place to place. Thus, this research aims at analyzing the squares in the small town of Juranda-PR, highlighting the functionality of such public spaces. Methodological base consists in bibliographical research in scientific journals, books, dissertations and theses on public squares; on-site research in two squares surveying the main types of equipment and structures. Results show that environmental, aesthetic and social functions are predominant. However, since February 2020, sociability among citizens in the squares have been practically annulated due to the coronavirus pandemic, obliging the population to social isolation, leaving the squares totally empty.Downloads
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