Structural Forest Fragmentation in an area of Atlantic Forest in South of Brazil: analysis based on landscape metrics
Dense Ombrophilous Forest, Habitat loss, Structural connectivityAbstract
This study aimed to analyze the landscape structure of two contiguous river basins, located in the southern of Santa Catarina state, south Brazil, in order to evaluate the scenario of structural forest fragmentation at the time of imaging. We used an orthorectified photogrammetric image, scale of 1: 10000, dated from 2011, for the vectorization of use and land cover and to production of thematic maps, using the ArcGis software version 10.3.1. The choice by the year 2011 for study was due to the availability of more recent images, with spatial resolution adequate to the needs required by the analysis. The thematic maps produced were imported in the software Fragstats version 4.2, which generated the report of the metrics of the landscape. Six classes of cover and land use have been identified, which together totaled 649 fragments distributed over 4453.9 ha. The forest fragments occupied 45% of the total mapped area and about 90% of them had an area smaller than 6.45 ha. The average index of forest fragments was 2.2, which shows highly cut edges. The spatial distribution of these fragments indicates a high degree of structural connectivity. Although great part of the area of the basins was occupied at the time of imaging, by forest formations and the structural connectivity was high, the loss of forest habitats was greater than 50%, which suggests that in the sense of conservation, both the largest and the smallest fragments together must be reason for conservation.
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