The real estate developers’s strategies in Santana do Livramento – RS
Cidade-gêmea, Geografia Urbana, Promotores imobiliários, Rivera, Santana do Livramento.Abstract
This article aims to understand how the action of real estate developers in the urban space ofSantana do Livramento occurs. To operationalize this objective, a bibliographic survey was carried out to provide theoretical support for the research. The methodological procedures took place in two stages: The first sought secondary data through a localnewspaper in the “Classificados” section and the second turned to primary data that was produced from interviews with real estate representatives and some real estate developers. The results showed that there is a concentration of vertical buildings in the city center while the production of houses and kitnets is maintained in more peripheral neighborhoods. Finally, it is possible to notice that the condition as a twin city has a large influence on the action of real estate developers because the entry of Uruguayan buyers is very intense and necessary to maintain the action of these social agents.
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