Urbanization and production of cities in/of the Territory of Identity Portal do Sertão
Portal do Sertão, Urban dynamics, UrbanizationAbstract
This text analyzes the characteristics of the urban and regional dynamics of the Territory of Identity Portal do Sertão and reflects the factors that influenced the transformations in urbanization and how these favored the creation and consolidation of the urban nuclei. The analysis are based on theoretical reflections, documentary research, field research and mapping. From 1960, mainly from the 1970s and 1980s, this territory of identity had its urbanization logic modified as result of changes in the processes of urbanization in Brazil and Bahia. In general, they are connected to changes in the economic dynamics and new political arrangements that influenced the socio-demographic characteristics of the region. This is also related to the expulsion of man from the countryside because there has been modernization of agriculture, crisis in the agricultural economy or absence of policies of permanence in the countryside. he process formed numerous urban centers and established over time the urban dynamics as determinant for the organization of the Portal do Sertão.
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