The praxis in the fieldwork: an experience In biogeography
Biogeography, Fieldwork, Geography Teaching, PraxisAbstract
The text aims to reflect on how fieldwork can serve as a methodological resource for teacher praxis. For this, we present a methodological path developed within the scope of Biogeography in the city of Florianópolis, which was based on three phases: office (discussion of the menu of the discipline and collection of bibliographic and cartographic materials about the study area), fieldwork (observation, description and interpretation of data) and the laboratory (analysis, understanding and representation reflected in the field report). Finally, the reflections taken from the field work show that the territory is constantly changing in its various social, cultural, and economic aspects, so to understand how these transformations materialize in the places still remains the essential one for the formation of critical and reflective professionals about their field of study from the perspective of praxis.
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