Urban memory as didactic resource applied to Geography education
Urban memory, Geography education, LanguageAbstract
The present article is a reflection on the possibility to use urban memory as a language to be used in geography education in the study of geographic categories and concepts, principally in an urban context, using the daily-life experience of the students as a starting point. In order to test the possibility of this method for research, we selected the neighborhood of São José in the city of Juazeiro do Norte as empirical case study. An analysis of this tool has been used with second-year high school students of the Raimundo Saraiva Coelho School, which is located in the São José neighborhood. The methodology included mini seminars with the students, giving emphasis to some of the fundamental concepts, and a fieldwork experience during which the students had to present the construction of these concepts in practice. As a result, the participants developed different readings of their space by contextualizing the São José neighborhood and its conditions, based on urban memoryDownloads
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