Fear and spatial practices of young men living in the urban outskirts of Ponta Grossa, Paraná
Urban space, social representations, fear, masculinitiesAbstract
The aim of this article was to construct an analytical way of research about the urban space and fear, under the focus of social representations of young residing men of the periphery, in their masculinities’ exercise. The survey of data and information to the intelligibility of this research, which has a qualitative feature, was accomplished through the application of 346 questionnaires and conducting interviews with seven high school students, aged between 15 and 23 years old, from four public schools of the city of Ponta Grossa, Parana State. It was concerned to reflect about the spatiality of the subjects that produce the urban space, particularly young men living on the periphery, as well as to observe the stresses of reality in order to understand their spatial practices. The researched subjects’ spatiality were constituted as central elements in the construction of reflections, which demonstrates that some places at city’s downtown not only feature as a clipping of the city, they are spaces of representation of masculinities. The obtained results show that fear is mostly associated to drugs and conflicts experienced in everyday life, as well as the places which generate tension in the spatial experience of the surveyed teenagers are excessively associated with the context in which they live.Downloads
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