After Utopia: negotiating hope and fatalism in João Almino’s literary Brasília


  • Ben Burt



Apocalypse, Brasília, Literature, Millennium, Utopianism


This article examines João Almino’s novels Idéias para onde passar o fim do mundo (1987) and As cinco estações do amor (2001), considering how the author refuses the anti-utopian consensus that defined criticism of Brasília in the late twentieth century. In both works, the Federal District’s legacy of utopian projection is understood to have failed. This same legacy, however, continues to resonate, counterbalancing individual and collective disillusionment. The article argues that Almino’s nuanced, ambiguous portrait of utopianism represents a post-utopian approach to social change that nonetheless meaningfully defies prevailing disregard for utopia at the time of the novels’ publication.


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How to Cite

Burt, B. (2022). After Utopia: negotiating hope and fatalism in João Almino’s literary Brasília. Fragmentum, (59).