Green restaurants: report of experience of sustainable workshops in community restaurants




Sustainability, Environment, Waste


Sustainable restaurants are based on the implementation of environmental management and are closely related to quality management through a set of instruments and programs, which aim to provide a process of organizational change and continuous improvement of the environmental quality of services and products. With the objective of implementing a sustainable development program that transforms community restaurants into sustainable units, this intervention study was carried out in 12 community restaurants in Brazil. Four meetings were held in each of the twelve community restaurants to conduct sustainable workshops. Sustainable workshops showed a positive effect on companies' and employees' awareness of sustainable practices and 100% of respondents responded that these practices were important and generated reflection and change among employees.


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Author Biographies

Priscila Cortes do Prado Miranda, University Center of Brasília

Bolsista de programa de iniciação científica do Centro Universitário de Brasília.

Dayanne da Costa Maynard, University Center of Brasília

Professora do curso de Nutrição do Centro Universitário de Brasília, doutora em nutrição humana.

Andrea Gonçalves de Almeida, University Center of Brasília

Professora do curso de Nutrição do Centro Universitário de Brasília, mestre em Agronegócios.


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How to Cite

Miranda, P. C. do P., Maynard, D. da C., & Almeida, A. G. de. (2024). Green restaurants: report of experience of sustainable workshops in community restaurants. Experiência. Revista Científica De Extensão, 10(1), e71583.



Experience Reports