Peace mission, humanitarian mission, diplomatic mission; what about the mission for the sustainable development of Haiti?
Rural extension; Peasant farming; Higher educationAbstract
In addition to a controversial political record, Haiti has suffered devastating natural disasters. In the latter case, many missions (peace, humanitarian, diplomatic) were carried out. However, few advances in the contry’s socioeconomic reality are observed. In this case, an agreement was signed involving the Agricultural Mechanization Laboratory of the State University of Ponta Grossa, Brazil (Lama/UEPG) and the University of Fondwa, Haiti (UniF), whose goal is sustainable rural development. There were two technical visits to Haiti and one by UniF to Brazil. All suggestions about teaching, research and rural extension actions were built in a participatory approach. Lectures, short courses, workshops were held with students and peasants, in addition to subjects’ class such as Rural Extension (which was not included in the curriculum of the Agronomy Undergraduate Degree). A Scientific and Extensionist conference for students were planned and carried. With several actions discussed, many of them implemented, conceptual and behavioral changes on the part of the students were evident.
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