Economic Analysis. Production System. Carbon sequestration.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to analyze the economic feasibility of traditional coffee production. The methodological procedures involve the discussion of the literature of economics and environmental ecology. The data used in the article was collected from SEAB/DERAL (2012), whose properties represent the rural plantations of coffee the traditional production system prevalent in Paraná. The data reflect the mean standard from Paraná regions and may differ individually from one location to another. The analysis and discussion of indicators of social and economic feasibility of carbon sequestration show that the trees require a large amount of carbon to grow and end up taking the element of air. The study concludes that the natural process helps to reduce considerably the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere: each hectare of forest absorbs from 150 to 200 tons of carbon. And investments in search of improved techniques, product certification, and the welfare of the producer families will increase the sustainability of coffee production and economic development of each region specializes in coffee.
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