
  • Felipe Deodato da Silva e Silva Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso
  • Dirceu Grasel Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso



cotton industry, Mato Grosso, Input-Output pattern.


The objective of this research is analyse comparatively the economic impacts of cotton production in Mato Grosso economy, through of the matrix Input-Output of Leontief that was built based on 2007 year. Was discussed the concept of supply chain and agribusiness to understand theoretically the production structure of a specifically sector of economy as agriculture. Was used the linkages indicator Rasmussen/Hirschman and the multipliers production, employment and income to estimate de economic impacts. It was noticed that the cotton activity was influenced by Kandir law and the increase of productivity resulting in an accelerated productive growth in the last two decades. Despite of relevant economic impacts to state economy, the cotton production did not present indicator that put as a key activity in the supply chain neither as a sector able to boost the Mato Grosso economy. It must to the fact of the cotton supply chain in Mato Grosso restricted to agricultural production and development in some the industrialization. It is believed that incorporating others links as the agricultural input and cotton processing industry, the sector could present a potential higher of influence in the state economy growth.


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How to Cite

Silva, F. D. da S. e, & Grasel, D. (2012). IMPACTS OF COTTON PRODUCTION IN THE ECONOMY OF MATO GROSSO - 2007. Economia E Desenvolvimento, 24(1).


