Short and long-term relationships between the Economies of the states: Bahia, Pernambuco e Ceará: 1970-2000
Cointegration, The Vector Error Correction Model, Brazil-northeast, Regional developmentAbstract
This paper considering the possibility of cointegration between the GSP (Gross State Product) for the three largest economies of Brazilian Northeast: Bahia, Ceará and Pernambuco, with date of respective GSP in period of 1970 to 2000, estimated the relationship of short and long run. The following tests and models were used: The ADF Unit Root Test; The Johansen Cointegration Test; The Vector Error Correction Model, The Exogeneity Test and The Variance Decomposition of Prediction, besides The Impulse Response Functions. In the short run, the Ceará’GSP tend to eliminate the transitory unbalances more quicklythan Bahia’GSP. Trough of the exogeneity test verified that Pernambuco’GSP not influence the Bahia’GSP but the Bahia’GSP influence the Pernambuco’GSP and the Ceará’GSP. The analysis of decomposition of prediction error confirming this result. The Impulse Response Functions aim that the Bahia and Ceará economies are complementary, while Ceará and Pernambuco economies are competitors. The results aim to the necessity of consideration effects that politic of development individual could have in the others state within of region.
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