The state as a propeller of regional development: Analysis of the economic reconversion policy of the European Union and Mercosur Economic


  • Taize de Andrade Machado Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil
  • Adayr da Silva Ilha Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil



Economic reconversion, European Union, Mercosur, FOCEM, State


In a economic integration process not all the regions benefit from the same social and economical conditions. Therefore, it is priority to develop actions which can promote the competitiveness of the State-parts and the structural convergence. The aim of this article is to analyze in which ways the State can contribute to the economic development of less competitive regions in the context of an economic integration. Starting with the study of the Structural Funds from EU and FOCEM it is possible to delineate the role of the State as the propeller of the regional development. From the analyses of the UE regional policies results we can conclude that the public intervention reduce the market imperfections, especially by considerably rising the GIP of the benefited countries.


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How to Cite

Machado, T. de A., & Ilha, A. da S. (2006). The state as a propeller of regional development: Analysis of the economic reconversion policy of the European Union and Mercosur Economic. Economia E Desenvolvimento, (18).




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