Elements for te analysis of the current situation and perspectives of family agriculure articulated to the Smoke Complex


  • Rita Inês Pauli Prieb Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil
  • Pedro Ramos Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brasil
  • Marcelino Souza Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, SP, Brasil




Complexo agroindustrial fumageiro, Instituições, Câmara setorial


This article seeks to show the current situation and the prospects of family agriculture in relation to its articulation to the smoke complex, therefore, limited the specificity of the articulation with the companies by cutting out these relations and disregarding the Other elements that encompass the development of family agriculture in its broader aspects. For this, the emphasis is given in the aspects of the institutional organization of the actions of the tobacco agribusiness and the organization of the leaf smoke producers in the region Southern Brazil. The methodology limited the detailed analysis of the sector's recent development, the synthesis of a theoretical reference on the approaches to agro complexes, the institutions involved and the formation of the tobacco sector Chamber. In the last part, considerations are being raised about the prospects of the sector and, above all, the future trends about the continuity of the articulation. The main conclusions are that in this case, there is a existence of family production in its articulated form, well before the advent of the modernization of Brazilian agriculture.


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How to Cite

Prieb, R. I. P., Ramos, P., & Souza, M. (2003). Elements for te analysis of the current situation and perspectives of family agriculure articulated to the Smoke Complex. Economia E Desenvolvimento, (15). https://doi.org/10.5902/141465093437


