The situation of the working class and the union movement against the transformations in the world of work: the cases of Argentina and Brazil in the 90's
Work, Working class, SyndicalismAbstract
The world of work is in a process of full transformation, especially in the last 25 years. There is a change in the pattern of capitalist accumulation, in which the Taylorism-Fordism is replaced by the toyotismo, unemployment reaches high levels, especially in the peripheral countries, where new forms of production live with archaic forms. With the implementation of neoliberalism in the main countries of Latin America, with which Argentina and Brazil come to live in the years 90, it is verified that the working class suffers profound modifications in its form of production, in its number of Workers in the labour market in changing labor legislation, and in the Union's own reaction to the Metamorphoses that operate in the work world.Downloads
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