The cost of respiratory deaseses associated with atmospheric polution: a case study for the city of Rio Grande - RS
Pollution, Environment, Health economicsAbstract
Natural resources have gained a perspective when it comes to studying their specific markets. These resources were used without discrimination, since they are considered public property. The neoclassic theory brings methods to evaluate and internalize costs of the adverse effects which arise from the incorrect use of these resources. Nevertheless, to measure the effects caused by pollutant agents is not an easy task. Apart from these studies, specific policies for pollution control are being developed and many of these are not yet totally efficient, mainly due to resistance from some producers in adding environmental costs. Some companies have already seen that the idea about environment has changed in the eyes of global community and nowadays they use this concern as a good marketing strategy. Based on this contextualization and considering the fact that atmospheric pollution has been proved as a cause of respiratory diseases, the present study tried to calculate how much the local community pays indirectly for the air pollution. In the study process, the methodology of present value of future production and the measure of respiratory diseases costs were used...
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