Electricity Distribution in Brazil, ANEEL, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), Technical Efficiency Index.Abstract
This paper investigates the measurement process of technical efficiency indexes for the 30 largest power utilities in Brazil. Thus, it confronts the methodology of the ANEEL (regulatory agency) for the assessment of regulatory operational costs of the periodic tariff front review cycle with the proposed alternative methodology to observe the technical efficiency of performance of these companies combining aspects of quality of service to the society. Therefore, we used the Data Envelopment Analysis (with DEA models oriented input). Two scenarios were adopted: in C1, we observe the quantitative variables adopted by ANEEL, and in C2, we analyze service quality variables. Thus, based on performance results relative to the reporting period, technical efficiency measures are identified with positive development trend, for all of the 30 largest power utilities. Finally, it exposes some considerations about the need to improve some points in the methodology for the calculation of regulatory operational costs by ANEEL, representing challenges to guarantee the balance between low rates and sustainability of the electricity distribution sector, considering aspects of quality through customer satisfaction and performance in the continuity of electricity supply.
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