
  • Joel de Jesus Macedo Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Amanda Massaneira de Souza Schuntzemberger UFPR



Substantial Freedoms, Social Opportunities, Effects of Sanitation on Attendance at Work.


Given the problems related to water scarcity in the world and which currently concern the major Brazilian states, it is worth noting that sanitation is critical to the health and productivity of people. This study aims to analyze the availability of sanitation implies the reduction of absence from work. In order to explain the absence from work, we selected the variables: gender, color, age, home location, years of schooling, access to treated water and access to the sewerage system. To achieve the goal, we used a logit econometric model. There is a direct influence of the variables gender of individuals, age and years of schooling squared on the absence from work activities. On the other hand, the variables access to treated water, sewerage system, color of the individual, years of schooling, age squared and situation in the census have an inverse relation to absence from work due to lack of sanitation.


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Author Biographies

Joel de Jesus Macedo, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Economia e Engenharia da produção

Amanda Massaneira de Souza Schuntzemberger, UFPR

Doutoranda em Desenvolvimento Econômico pela Universidade Federal do Paraná


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How to Cite

Macedo, J. de J., & Schuntzemberger, A. M. de S. (2016). INVESTMENTS IN BASIC SANITATION AND BROADENING OF SUBSTANTIVE FREEDOMS. Economia E Desenvolvimento, 27(2).


