Sustainable development, endogenous development, Amazon, monoculture, soybeanAbstract
The paper presents a theoretical analysis on the advancement of soy monocultures in the Amazon region, addressing its risks and conflicts. The main goal is to analyze by the Theory of Endogenous Development if such activity in the Amazon meets the premises of sustainable development. So, is presented and discussed the issue of advancement of soy monocultures in the region, exposing its negative impacts and main arguments against that activity. The paper presents final considerations as reflections of the characteristics of soybean production in the Amazon, which lead to the conclusion that, according to the model currently practiced, it flees the premise of endogenous development that would have as feature and condition the possibility that local actors participate in the process and enjoy the income generated as a result of their efforts.
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Sites Consultados:
Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Óleos Vegetais (ABIOVE): (acessos em 03/07/2005 e 04/02/2010)
CONAB (Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento) : (acesso em 03/07/2005)
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Governo do Estado do Pará: (acesso em 03/07/2005)
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