Public Sector, Economic Development, Performance-based BudgetingAbstract
This work is in the context of the discussion of state intervention in the economy, through a study conducted in the State of Santa Catarina / Brazil. In 2005, in response to Complementary Law 284, the State Government established the so-called 'Plano Catarinense de Desenvolvimento', composed by a set of guidelines and strategies to guide government action and foster development in the state by the year 2015. In this sense, the study aims to identify and analyze the relationship between the use of public funds via the state budget, and reflections of this application, by comparing the proceeds allocated to the policies contained in the Development Plan of Santa Catarina and the impact of these Gross Domestic Product - GDP of the State of Santa Catarina. Regarding the methodological framework, this study adopts both qualitative approaches - when analyzing Santa Catarina Development Plan, and quantitative - when analyzing the state budget. As a result, there was a mix of Keynesian and Schumpeterian policies in the Development Plan of Santa Catarina, and a positive trend both in the evolution of resources allocated to the Development Plan and in the evolution of the Gross Domestic Product of the State
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