Contemporary Art and Visual Culture: Dialogues and Possibilities in the Higher Education




Contemporary Art, Visual Culture, Higher Education


This issues explores relationships between art and visual culture from teaching, research and extension projects developed by the Laboratory of Visual Arts and I / Mediations - Visual Arts Department of the Federal University of Santa Maria. It aims to share experiences, reflect on developed trajectories and contribute with some possibilities for academic training in the field of visual arts. From the perspective of visual culture, it outlines inter and transdisciplinary articulations, from projects in progress, here thought as power. As a theoretical-methodological perspectives from Fernando Hernández, Nicolas Mirzoeff, Thomas W. J. Mitchell, Belidson Dias, and others, subsidize projects and experiences. In the form of an account, the text intends not only to situate these trajectories, but to discuss some specific aspects about the formation, weaving ideas around the realized propositions.


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DAMASIO, Antônio. O erro de Descartes: emoção, razão e o cérebro humano. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2012.

DIAS, Belidson. O i/mundo da cultura visual. Brasília: Editora da Pós-Graduação em Arte da Universidade de Brasília, 2011.

HERNÁNDEZ, Fernando. Catadores da cultura visual: uma proposta para uma nova narrativa educacional. Porto Alegre: Mediação, 2007.

MIRZOEFF, Nicholas. Introducción a la cultura visual. Barcelona: Octaedro, 2003.

MITCHELL, W.; J .Thomas. Teoría de la imagen. Vol. 5. Ediciones Akal, 2009.

RESENDE, José (in); DERDYK, Edith (Org.). Disegno. Desenho. Desígnio. São Paulo: Editora Senac São Paulo, 2007.

STOREY, John. Teoría cultural y cultura popular. Barcelona: Octaedro, 2002.

VAN MANEN, Max. Investigación educativa y experiencia vivida. Barcelona: Idea Books, 2003.



How to Cite

Valle, L. D. (2018). Contemporary Art and Visual Culture: Dialogues and Possibilities in the Higher Education. Contemporânea - Revista Do PPGART/UFSM, 1(1), e7.


