
  • Sônia Maria Bitencourt Frizzo UFSM
  • Maria Cládis Mezzomo da Silva
  • Celso Edmundo B. Foelkel



Effluents from pulp industry, trace elements, chloride.


The present study describes the alternative treatments applied to the secundary effluent of a bleached kraft process pulp industry. The effluent  samples were analysed in relation to their contents of chloride and trace elements (zinc, copper, lead and cadmium), and submitted to a treatment with aluminium sulphate or iron chloride, as floculants, using further, solid residues of industrial process (dreg, grit and heavy ash) and active carbon, as coagulation adjuvants. A significant reduction of the contents of chloride and trace elements in the final effluent was observed by the combined use of aluminium sulphate/active coal 2 and iron chloride/industrial residues, respectively.


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How to Cite

Frizzo, S. M. B., Silva, M. C. M. da, & Foelkel, C. E. B. (1996). CONTRIBUITION FOR THE STUDY IN THE EFFLUENTS FROM PULP END PAPER INDUSTRY. Ciência Florestal, 6(1), 129–136.




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