
  • Wagner Lopes Klein UFSM
  • Eduardo Godoy de Souza
  • Miguel Angel Uribe-Opazo
  • Lúcia Helena Pereira Nóbrega




precision forestry, thematic maps, spatial variability.


The precision forestry aims to increase the agricultural production efficiency, based in differentiated handling of agriculture areas. The objective of this research was to analyze and to compare the development of the Tabebuia avellanedae Lorentz ex Griseb. in two different soil handling. This analysis was accomplished during the period of one year (01/03/03 to 01/03/04) in an area belongs to the city of Mundo Novo, MS, Brazil. The area was divided in two blocks and each block in two plots, one with handling Precision Forestry and other one with conventional handling. Each one of the portions received 252 seedlings, totaling 1008 plants. Geoestatistics was used through the semivariograms for spatial variability analysis and kriging for building the thematic maps. The necessity and the applied nutrients maps and the height increment maps showed similar variability for both treatments. No expressive difference between the treatments was found.


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How to Cite

Klein, W. L., Souza, E. G. de, Uribe-Opazo, M. A., & Nóbrega, L. H. P. (2007). HEIGHT OF THE Tabebuia avellanedae IN THE CONVENTIONAL HANDLING AND SITE SPECIFIC HANDLING USING THE GEOESTATISTICS ANALYSIS. Ciência Florestal, 17(4), 299–309. https://doi.org/10.5902/198050981962




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