
  • Mara Lúcia Agostini Valle UFSM - Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria, RS, Brasil
  • José de Castro Silva
  • Ricardo Marius Della Lucia
  • Wescley Viana Evangelista



CCA, eucalyptus, wood preservation, rotation


This study aimed to evaluate the retention and penetration of copper chrome arsenate (CCA type C) as well as some wood properties of two rotations of two natural hybrid of Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake, aiming their use as treated wood. The study was conducted with material from commercial plantations, with 63 months of age. For the wood characterization, the relationship sapwood-heartwood, the basic density and the size of fibers and vessels were evaluated. For the evaluation of treated wood, the penetration and retention of copper chrome arsenate (CCA type C) were determined. Four trees per rotation and genetic material were used, which subsequently were split into three logs, in a total of 12 logs for each treatment. The preservative treatment was performed using the full cell process in autoclave using CCA solution with 2% concentration of active ingredients. The treatment process used was effective under the conditions required by the NBR 9480, with retention values ​​higher than the minimum required by the standard, which is 6.5 kg/m3 of CCA per treated wood, and in addition, provided deep penetration and regular condom in sapwood of all timber treated. There are no restrictions on the use of wood from the first and second rotation for preservative treatment, based on the properties evaluated. There was no correlation between the type C CCA retention and wood properties evaluated.


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How to Cite

Valle, M. L. A., Silva, J. de C., Lucia, R. M. D., & Evangelista, W. V. (2013). RETENTION AND PENETRATION OF CCA IN WOOD OF FIRST AND SECOND ROTATION OF <i>Eucalyptus urophylla</i> S.T. Blake. Ciência Florestal, 23(2), 481–490.




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