Parâmetros de qualidade de sementes para escolha de matrizes de <i>Handroanthus serratifolius</i> (Vahl) S. Grose na Amazônia Ocidental
Mother tree, Seed vigor, Biometric characteristicsAbstract
Handroanthus serratifolius is recognized for its timber potential and for planting in urban areas. However, its indiscriminate exploitation threatens the species with extinction. Our objective was to standardize the most representative parameters of quality for the species, which are necessary for the identification of vigor in seedlots. We sought to optimize seed production and minimize losses of genetic material and indicate the best technological, morphological and biometric variables and their correlation with the mother trees. For this, seedlots were collected from 20 mother trees identified in seed collection areas. For each batch, the physical, morphological, dendrometric and technological characteristics of the seeds were analyzed. Via the correlation matrix, it was observed that the dendrometric characteristics did not influence the characteristics of seed vigor. Among the variables analyzed, the weight of one thousand seeds (WTS) correlated with biometric characteristics and seedling formation. Therefore, WTS and biometric characteristics were the variables that best explained the behavior of the population. The repeatability coefficient demonstrated that 14 seeds are sufficient to determine the biometric characteristics of a seedlot of H. serratifolius. Variability was observed within the population, with eight parent trees presenting superior characteristics for vigor and five presented a high value (> 58%) for seedling emergence.
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