Urban Forest Inventory of the municipality of Botelhos, MG
Conflicts, Management, Mobility, PlanningAbstract
Afforestation in cities is essential for environmental balance, as it provides more pleasant spaces, with greater thermal and acoustic comfort, which reflect on the well-being of the population. It is the role of the public administration to plan the urban environment, seeking to favor the conciliation between buildings and green areas, through public policies of landscape planning. The forest survey is a management tool that assists in the planning and maintenance of urban green areas, collecting data that generate information about their tree heritage with dendrometric data, plant health and management conditions. The objective of this work was to carry out the Urban Forest Inventory of the municipality of Botelhos-MG, to build a database on the forest resource of this municipality, making it possible to monitor, plan and correct possible failures and conflicts, promoting the discussion about the adequacy of the wooded spaces where necessary. This work also has an impact on urban mobility, as the lack of technical criteria on sidewalks and on the choice of afforestation creates obstacles for people, especially those with special mobility needs. The results showed low diversity of species, small trees, conflicts with the urban apparatus, with pedestrian mobility, low tree index per inhabitant and the need for adequate management and environmental education.
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