Carbon stock and horizontal structure in riparian forest fragments
Carbon sequestration, Above-ground biomass, Cerrado, Riparian forestsAbstract
Research that aims to quantify the carbon stock in riparian forests underscores the environmental services of these forests to minimize the effects of climate change. The objective of this work was to i) quantify the carbon stock present in the above-ground biomass of the species present in areas of riparian forest and ii) rank species by the expanded importance value index (IVIA) in relation to a standard phytosociological analysis by the importance value index (IVI). The data used in the study were taken from an inventory conducted in areas of riparian vegetation in the southwestern region of the state of Goiás. The wood biomass of each tree was estimated for all species, with a later estimate of carbon stock (Mg.ha-1) per hectare in the phytophysiognomy. The riparian forest has a high capacity to store carbon. Incorporation of this variable and ranking of species by the expanded importance index can be a reason to conserve and preserve riparian forests, as well as a criterion in the choice of species with greater potential to stock carbon for the recovery of degraded areas.
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