
  • Beno Wendling UFSM
  • Ivo Jucksch
  • Eduardo de Sá Mendonça
  • Isabel Cristina Vinhal-Freitas



brachiaria, organic carbon, eucalyptuses, humic substances.


Since 1993, an agro-forestry pasture system has been annually implanted in Paracatu, Minas Gerais State. So, the effects from its introduction upon the changes in carbon and nitrogen at different compartments of the soil organic matter were studied. This system is implanted in soil under eucalypt forest that was abandoned after three removal cuts. In the first year, besides planting the eucalyptuses in interlines at spacing 10 x 4 m, the following crops are grown: rice in the first year; soybean in the second one; and the brachiaria in the third one. After the third year, the brachiaria pasture by meat cattle was begun and remaining in that area until the end of the system cycle, what is foreseen for the 11th year. A savannah area and another one with eucalypt planting under the conventional system were used as reference to natural condition and previous conditions to implantation of the agrosylvopasture system. Samples aged 1, 2, 3, 6, and 10 years were collected. The results show significant decrease in the contents and stocks of both total carbon and nitrogen, as well as in microbial biomass. As the system becomes older, it starts a tendency for the recuperation of the contents and stocks of those fractions. Among the humic substances, the fulvic

acid fraction was less affected by the introduction of this system. Briefly, the results show the system is unfavorable to the maintenance of the soil organic matter at the first years, but presents a potential for recovering as its age advances.


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How to Cite

Wendling, B., Jucksch, I., Mendonça, E. de S., & Vinhal-Freitas, I. C. (2011). CARBON AND NITROGEN CHANGES IN DIFERENT COMPARTIMENTS OF THE ORGANIC MATTER UNDER AGRO-FORESTRY PASTURE SYSTEM. Ciência Florestal, 21(4), 641–653.




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