Technical feasibility of the use of <i>Swietenia macrophylla</i> and <i>Theobroma grandiflorum</i> in agroforestry system
Cupuassu tree, Brazilian mahogany, Soil use systemsAbstract
One of the main difficulties in implementing agroforestry systems is the choice of component species. This research aimed to verify the feasibility of using two Amazonian species in an agroforestry system, quantifying the possible interference of the dominant species (Brazilian mahogany) on the lower canopy species (cupuassu tree). The experiment was conducted for 14 years, on a commercial property in Tomé-Açu, PA. Four levels of spacing between cupuassu tree and mahogany trees were established: Level 1 = 2.3 m; Level 2 = 5.5 m; Level 3 = 7.3 m; Level 4 = 8.8 m. The initial vegetative development of the cupuassu tree, the production during 12 harvests, and the mortality rate were evaluated. For mahogany, the vigor of the plants was measured and wood production estimates were made. In addition, some morphometric parameters were estimated to verify the adaptation of mahogany to the SAF environment and its influence on cupuaçuzeiro. The results showed that the cupuassu tree had a good vegetative development, showing that it was not harmed by the competition with the mahogany trees. Fruit production was also not affected by the consortium, just as there were no differences in mortality rates at different levels of species proximity. Mahogany grew vigorously, benefiting from the cultural treatments normally provided in cupuassu tree orchards, such as annual fertilization and water supply. Based on the evidence obtained, it can be concluded that the SAF made up of Brazilian mahogany and cupuassu tree, in the spaces used here, offers appropriate conditions for the development of both species, and could be an alternative to conventional production systems in the Amazon, as well as, to increase the restoration of anthropized areas with native species.
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