
  • Ademir R. Ruschel UFSM
  • Miguel P. Guerra
  • Rubens O. Nodari



Amazon, nom timber forest products, diametric distributions.


Andiroba is one of the Amazon species with great potential of exploration for timber and non-timberforest products (NFTPs). This work was carried out with the objective of studying the population structure,spatial distribution and seed yield in a native forest of andiroba in the south of Roraima state. A permanentsample plot of 300 x 300 m (9 ha) was installed and all the trees with DBH equal or superior to 10 cm wereidentified, mapped and measured. In each tree, the light climate, crown form and lianas load were appraised.To identify the spatial distribution, the medium variance/average rate and the Morisita’s Index were used.The seed yield data were obtained by the seed weighing, being 145 trees monitored during 2006. Thepopulation presented a diametric distribution of the j inverted type, and a seed yield of 65,4 kg.ha-1 withaverage of 8,3 kg.tree-1 was observed. DBH ≥ 30 cm was considered as borderline for commercial seed yield,allowing stratifying the population in juveniles (DBH ≤ 30 cm) and adults (DBH > 30 cm). The spatialdistribution analysis showed that adult individuals presented random distribution and the juveniles tendencyof grouping.


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How to Cite

Ruschel, A. R., Guerra, M. P., & Nodari, R. O. (2009). STRUCTURE, SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION AND SEED YIELD FOR ANDIROBA (Carapa guianensis Aubl.) IN SOUTH RORAIMA. Ciência Florestal, 19(2), 225–236.



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