Arthropodfauna associated with cagaiteira (<i>Eugenia dysenterica</i> DC., Myrtaceae) in the collection of ex situ germoplasm in Goiás state, Brazil




Mites, Aleyrodidae, Cochineal, Thrips


Eugenia dysenterica is a native species of the Cerrado biome which has potential for economic exploitation due to its economic importance in food. However, further studies are crucial to enable the domestication of this species in commercial plantation. Actually, the fruits are obtained by extractivism in area of the Cerrado vegetation. The arthropodfauna associated to Eugenia dysenterica is practically unknown. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the arthropodofauna associated with leaves of Eugenia dysenterica. We evaluated the arthropodfauna biweekly in Eugenia dysenterica plants in the collection of ex situ germoplasm of ‘Escola de Agronomia’, UFG. Three branches of the middle third were sampled in 16 plants. Seven leaves/branch were selected and analyzed under stereomicroscope. Cochineals were the most abundant arthropods in Eugenia dysenterica. The presence of new leaves on the plants, October, coincided with the hatching of the nymphs of the cochineal Ceroplastes acutus and the appearance of leaf galls caused by Diptera. The superfamily Coccoidea and the family Aleyrodidae were classified as superabundant and superfrequent. Two families of Thysanoptera were reported: Thripidae and Phlaeothripidae. In relation to plant mites, phytophagous species were the most abundant ones, followed by predatory mites. Families Phytoseiidae and Tenuipalpidae were the most representative in the samples. Aleyrodidae, Diptera and cochineal Ceroplastes acutus are associated with the emission of new leaves of Cagateira. This is the first report of the occurrence of mite species, thrips and Ceroplastes acutus in Eugenia dysenterica.


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How to Cite

Rocha, C. B. S., Pereira, J. M., Silva, J. F., Peres, A. J. A., & Daud, R. D. (2020). Arthropodfauna associated with cagaiteira (<i>Eugenia dysenterica</i> DC., Myrtaceae) in the collection of ex situ germoplasm in Goiás state, Brazil. Ciência Florestal, 30(2), 463–472.




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