
  • Marcos Vinicius Winckler Caldeira UFSM
  • Eliane Maria Ribeiro da Silva
  • Avílio A. Franco
  • Magda Lea Bolzan Zanon



Mycorrhizal fungi, Leguminous trees, growth.


The present study aimed at evaluating the development of inoculated or noninoculated seedlings with mycorrhizal fungi. The experimental design used was completely randomized, with 4 treatments and 25 replacements. The treatments were: Glomus clarum (Nicolson & Schenk),

Gigaspora margarita (Becker & Hall), Native Fungi and Control (without inoculation). There was no statistical difference for height, diameter, aerial and subterranean phytomasses of thick roots in Copaifera martii seedlings. The highest length percentage of colonized thin roots and the survival rate were obtained in inoculated seedlings with G. margarita and G. clarum. Concerning the seedlings of Dimorphandra macrostachya, there was no statistical difference for height, diameter, aerial and subterranean phytomasses of thick or thin roots. The inoculation with G. margarita favored the percentage of mycorrhizal colonization of thin roots and survival rate in Dimorphandra macrostachya seedlings.


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How to Cite

Caldeira, M. V. W., Silva, E. M. R. da, Franco, A. A., & Zanon, M. L. B. (1997). THE GROWTH OF ARBOREAL LEGUMINOUS IN ANSWER TO INOCULATION WITH ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI. Ciência Florestal, 7(1), 1–10.




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