
  • Sidinei Leandro Klöckner Stürmer UFSM
  • Otavio Bagiotto Rossato
  • André Carlos Cruz Copetti
  • Danilo Rheinheimer dos Santos
  • Ademir Calegari
  • Betania Brum



soil uses, Neossolos, Chernossolos, organic matter division.


The soil organic matter content is severely affected by soil use and management. In physically and chemically fragile soils the destruction of native vegetation can cause a great decrease in the carbon stock. However, soils that present high resilience, when appropriately handled, can easily recover the original values of carbon. The objective of this research was to quantify and analyze organic carbon of young soils in relation to their use, especially those in natural regeneration. Samples of two layers were collected (0-5 and 5-15 cm) in two soils (Neossolo and Chernossolo) that occur in a headslope watershed, with four use conditions (forest, new farming, old farming and regeneration). Particle size distribution, soil bulk density and organic carbon were evaluated. The data were submitted to statistical analysis considering a completely randomized design, in tri-factorial outline (soil types, uses and sampled layers). The soil carbon stock decreased with deforestation for annual plantation  of crops with little addition of residues and intensive soil turbation. The natural regeneration of degraded soils by conventional tillage recovered the soil carbon stock quickly, even when there remained impressions from erosion (lower clay) and from the application of fertilizers and correctives (lower potential acidity and larger phosphorus and potassium availability).


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How to Cite

Stürmer, S. L. K., Rossato, O. B., Copetti, A. C. C., Santos, D. R. dos, Calegari, A., & Brum, B. (2011). SOIL ORGANIC CARBON VARIATIONS DUE TO DEFORESTATION AND NATURAL REGENERATION. Ciência Florestal, 21(2), 241–250.




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