<i>In vitro</i> establishment of olive tree ‘arbequina’ and ‘koroneiki’
Olea europaea, Cultivars, Asepsis, CytokininAbstract
Due to its relevant economic importance, both for the food and pharmaceutical sectors, the olive tree is being increasingly cultivated around the world. For this, obtaining quality seedlings with uniformity and varietal suitability emerges as a highly relevant factor at the implantation of olive orchards. Thus, the objective of this work was to develop in vitro establishment protocol from nodal segments of two olive cultivars under different concentrations of sodium hypochlorite and different concentrations of BAP. The experiment was conducted on completely randomized design, in a triple factorial scheme (2x3x3), two olive cultivars (Arbequina and Koroneiki), three BAP concentrations (0,00; 2,22 e 4,44 µM) and three concentrations of sodium hypochlorite (0,6; 0,8 and 1,0% active chlorine) for the decontamination of the explants. Each treatment had three replicates and the experimental unit consisted of fve test tubes with one explant each. Afer 28 days, it was possible to observe that the treatments tested did not promote in vitro establishment of Olea europaea cv. Arbequina. The concentration of 2,22 µM of BAP added to the WPM and the 1,0% concentration of sodium hypochlorite used in disinfestation of the explants, presented promising results in the in vitro establishment of Olea europaea cv. Koroneiki.Downloads
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