genetic resources, basic density, progenies, E. urophylla.Abstract
The appropriate knowledge about genetic resources potential is essential for the forest patrimony conservation and protection. It is important to emphasize the studies on variation in wood basic density conducted in trials of progenies and provenances. Progenies of Eucalyptus urophylla from Timor Island - Indonesia were planted in Belo Oriente (Minas Gerais State) and Linhares (Espírito Santo State) in the southern region of Brazil. The experimented design in three replications was a compact family block with an unequal sub class number at 3.0 x 2.0m spacings. Four years latter the trees were sampled with increment borer for wood basic density determination at dbh by maximum moisture content method. The results showed that the progenies had a similar behavior at two planting sites. The greater variation among the progenies occurresd in Oebaha II region. The progenies density mean values were not different from Brazilian provenances used as control in the experiment.
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