
  • Fernando Periotto
  • Sonia Cristina Juliano Gualtieri



seedlings, propagation, gabiroba, Cerrado.


Campomanesia pubescens (DC.) O. Berg. is a shrubby species of Myrtaceae family typical of Cerrado. The research aimed to study the performance of four different substrates in its early development. Thus were performed to evaluate seedling emergence, growth analysis and the mass of the measurement of the dry mass. Seeds were sown in polystyrene cell containing four substrates: vermiculite, coconut fiber, sand and mixing coconut fiber / vermiculite (2: 1). The emerged seedlings were performed daily. Statistical analyzes were performed with the aid of software Action by the Tukey test. It is also tested for normality and homoscedasticity of the data. The substrate coconut fiber / vermiculite (2: 1) gave better results in emergency assessments. The incorporation of dry matter was hampered by substrates coconut fiber and sand. In the growth analysis, coconut fiber / vermiculite (2: 1) allowed the development of larger and more vigorous plants. It is concluded that among the tested substrates, the most suitable seed emergence, and to early development of Campomanesia pubescens plants is composed of coconut fiber / vermiculite (2: 1).


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How to Cite

Periotto, F., & Gualtieri, S. C. J. (2017). SEED GERMINATION AND INICIAL DEVELOPMENT OF<i> Campomanesia pubescens</i> (DC.) O. BERG (MYRTACEAE) IN DIFFERENT SUBSTRATES. Ciência Florestal, 27(3), 743–752.




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