
  • Ayrton F. Martins UFSM
  • Elemar Schwingel
  • Adelino Alvarez Filho
  • Érico M. M. Flores



Fluorine, pasture, ion- selective electrode, pollution.



Previous studies shower that native pasture in the “coal energetic” region of Candiota, RS/ BRAZIL was considerably contaminated by fluorine. In this work 21 different species of native pasture plants were indentificated and their fluorine concentrations evaluated. The determinations were performed by ion- selective electrode technique isto the resulting solutions of pasture sample decomposition with a H202 + HNO3 MIXTURE. Pasture samples collected at three different sites from the vicinity of the coal- fired power plant (UTPM) showed values between 2.17 and 15.18ppm of F-. The fluorine concentrations of the pastures from Candiota were higher than the measured levels in reference samples. The different absorption and retention ability of this element by the studied species is evidenced by the variability of the measured concentration levels.


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How to Cite

Martins, A. F., Schwingel, E., Alvarez Filho, A., & Flores, Érico M. M. (1999). CONCENTRATION OF FLUORINE IN DIFFERENT SPECIES OF PASTURE FROM’ COAL ENERGETIC REGION OF CANDIOTA, RS/ BRAZIL. Ciência Florestal, 2(1), 119–132.




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