Composition and structure of shade canopy in coffee agroforestry systems of three municipalities of Cundinamarca, Colombia
Agroforesry systems, Tree canopy, Ecological importanceAbstract
The composition and structure of the shade canopy in coffee plantations of the municipalities of Tibacuy, Pacho and San Juan de Rioseco, in Cundinamarca, Colombia, were studied. Fifteen (15) farms in each municipality were selected and, in each farm, a coffee plantation (Coffea arabica cv. Castillo), in which it was established a plot of 1000 m2, where the tree species with diameter at breast height greater than 10 cm and all individuals of banana (Musa AAB) were registered. According to the percentage of the shade in each municipality, the farms were classified as high shadow (SA), medium shadow (SM) and low shadow (SB). Forty-three (43) tree species associated with coffee plantations were found, where 16 % of them were present in the three municipalities; the most representative family was Fabaceae. The abundance of banana was higher in coffee plantations of San Juan de Rioseco, being this determinant species in the interactions by shade in the systems evaluated. The absolute abundance of trees was higher in farms with SA and SM (P < 0,05) in the three municipalities; There were no significant differences between the levels of shade for the richness of tree species and, in Tibacuy, diversity was higher in SM systems (P < 0,05). Citrus sinensis, Inga edulis and Cordia alliodora were the species of greater ecological importance in the coffee systems of the three municipalities, according to I.V.I. Finally, in the agroforestry systems (SAF) of the three municipalities there is no homogeneous distribution of the shade in the plot, which is more evident in SAF of SB in Pacho; There is overlapping of tree crowns and the SAF of SA in Tibacuy has a greater complexity in the vertical structure, with three well differentiated strata.
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